火曜日, 7月 17, 2007


The past two weeks have been horrendously hot - - hanging out in the high 90's to low 100's there hasn't really been a chance for anything to cool off. Good thing the basement stays a little cooler than the rest of the house ( otherwise I think we would have all melted ).

It's during these heated times of the summer that air conditioning really sounds good - but like all humans once the heat passes and the world cools off a bit we tend to forget the suffering of what we just lived through. Might have to break that cycle though - - at this point it all comes down to resources and how best to use them.

I think this is a survival method built into my genetic code - - being a natural extension of the denial/apathy defense system. It has helped insulate what little sanity I have left for so many years that it has become an involuntary system, much like blinking, and breathing.

But soon if all goes well the forecasters say that there are cooling storms coming, S and I both agree at this point the massive shift in barometric pressure is a small price to pay for an overall cooling of the current situation. If only the cool down lasts longer than 48hrs, otherwise I fear the headaches will all be nothing more than one more delusional masochistic effort in survival.

The thunder is the wild card though - what will it zap, what fires might it spark, and just what sort of cool light show will Gaia be shown by Zeus?

Although getting some good air conditioning would make gaming a whole lot easier :)

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