水曜日, 7月 25, 2007

Power Blurb

So many things to mention - discuss - rant - and just get out on the page. Normally this would be like 7 + posts (depending on my memory and all the things I thought might make for an interesting post over the past few weeks that just never seemed to happen).

I'll do my best to break up the topics with some formatting - - hmmm, maybe a rainbow color post :P

Any way here we go - - -

Update: Due to the sheer mass of this post I may need to break it into sections, we'll have to wait and see.

Rains came went and humidity rising and falling in rapid succession - - it felt so good, physically to the skin the coolness brought deeply needed relief. The gray matter however writhed in agony for a couple of days, until the barometric pressure in the surrounding area started to stabilize. I'm not as sensitive to it as S, but when my neck is out and the clouds roll in - damn I can feel it and IB (Ibuprofen) barely takes the edge off, sleep however if you can enter the realm of the deeps where dreams are the reality there is a definite peace to be found. . .

Nigolos No More:
For those few who have been reading this blog for a while you'll note the the profile picture and name has changed recently. When I first started blogging it was in hopes of finding a way to "login" to the world around me - hence the name Nigolos, which offered a constant reminder of what I was trying to do when read backward (so login).

Currently I feel like I've become a little more logged in than planned - and due to other circumstances Grymm just seems to fit. Nice thing about an online persona it can be changed much easier than all those other folks in the world bureaucracy that are try to keep tabs on everyone.

Balancing the Needs of One:
A couple of weeks ago I was reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about how a school district was being accused of not providing the proper support to deal with one autistic student in the classroom. . . wish I could find the link, I'd put it right here - it was sometime in the past month or so, best guess if you have access do a search for some time around June 2007

I've been thinking on and off again about the article and I keep coming back to the same spot - - how much should any 'public' school system do to integrate/educate students with special learning needs or any student who might become overly violent in the classroom?

I'm all for sharing the wealth of human experience, but between the interruptions, and constant strain of trying to get students prepared to learn. I'm not real big for drugging the class into submission either with Ritalin or any other fun narcotics yet it seems like it's the quick fix to the Brave New World that they grab for first.

In this case the concern about restraints seemed to be a major concern for the parents - personally if I were an instructor I'd be more worried about getting bit, but that is just me.

Progress Quest - Methadone for the MMORPG
This summer life took some unexpected turns that seriously cut back into my gamer's ways and habits. I went from a part-time life, full time gamer's addiction to World of Warcraft to a cold turkey state in the matter of about a week.

The shift didn't mess with any other current addictions, as I currently still continue to heavily dose myself with OTC elixirs from the soda pop isle in at the local grocers. I'm already dreading the day when the government goes after caffeine, but know it's just a matter of time before it's lumped into the ATF manifesto :P

Anyway a good chunk of the addiction to WoW and my gateway drug Diablo was the stuff to find and explore. By nature my gaming type is a heavy explorer/achiever (Wild Card, Wild Card II), with all other game attributes, although important lingering in the shadows. I know it sounds corny but that line from Star Trek about exploring new planets and boldly going where no man has gone before - - it fits.

PQ (Progress Quest) is a nice little game that handles all the basics of the exploration and looting allowing you to check in on occasion to find out how you are doing - - currently I have a pair of characters that are still hacking their way through a messed up world and doing the voodoo that they do so well.

Wonder if this is what the gods feel with us running around here like idiots gathering all this stuff we'll never really need or use - - hmm got a think on that one. . .

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