水曜日, 7月 25, 2007

Power Blurb II

It's amazing what a quiet day allows one to accomplish in the minutia of life :P or is that just the power of procrastination?

Torrent of New Tunes:
9 times out of 10 folks will take what ever they can when they can get it - sometimes in fear that they will never have the opportunity to get it - whatever it is - again. Starfreeze just got hit hard - too many users taking advantage of a good deal.

In some ways one could argue that it is self inflicted. There is just so much cool stuff there to explore and download if you are into trying out new Anime without having to deal with torrents. Kicker is these are not small files in any sense of the word. It was really just a matter of time until a paradigm shift had to occur.

Once it happened I started to explore more on the net to find the source fan subs that were working on a few of the series that I was starting to follow, and to learn how to use torrents a bit.

The client I settled on was utorrent - it's small, simple and fairly strait forward - - a definite pluses to the novice that I am :) and if you look to the side there is a new Anime section along the side of DI where there are now links to a few of the fan subs that I've grown to enjoy (Eclipse does Claymore, Shinsen handles Kaze no Stigma)

In the process of the search though I also found a nice Jpop/rock anime streaming audio station called Shinsen Radio. As it streams through window's media player the variety is nice, just wish I could create a few stations like Pandora there :)

The Many Forms of Evil:
I've given up on the name "Phone" and have now renamed it to "Evil". Evil is no longer a descriptor of the phone but has become the phone. Therefore I will no longer will I be answering the phone but rather I will be answering Evil. I've never had a true love of evil, being a devout introvert but even so evil has harried me most of my life.

Mimic's Sacrifice is just one of the battles that have raged from the use of evil in this world.

Don't get me wrong - evil has it's place but currently it is running rampant around the world in many forms. It exists on my desk at work, at home both wired and wireless, and is even carried around attacking at any moment. Always it sits there smug in it's own evilness planning, plotting, demanding attention to be served upon its' demand.

To live in these days requires a knowledge of evil to accomplish duties as assigned in this life. . .

Convenience of Stupidity:
It's becoming the ultimate excuse, the power of the deniable to think through any sort of systematic logical process.

I have yet to pin point when it started but the entitlement is quite scary.

Some one comes in asks a question and there is no clarification, only the mute dumb sound/look of cluelessness as they expect the other person to read their mind decipher the gibberish that is flying around internally to magically solve their issue - - - then they get indignant when you can't.

I expect this to a certain extent from small children, especially when they honestly don't know, or they are trying to hide something, but after awhile it's all frustrating.

Check Please:
I hate doing political posts - - I mean it was bad before, but sometimes I wonder about the I.Q. in out public information network system here - - It's one thing to have information overload with decent information but the dross of din is making it hard to think anymore. Sorting out the agendas is becoming a real tedium and damn near impossible without a mute button :P

Anyway, with all the clamoring in the drive by media of sound bites and idiot politicians with the issues in Iraq I have recently only had one recurring question:

During/After WWII how long did it take us to pull our troops out of Europe? Oh, that's right WE'RE STILL THERE. The war ended over 50 years ago yet we stuck around. . .

Is there any major difference between WWII and Iraq? Between the Iron Curtain of the Communists in Russia after WWII and Iran working on pushing a fundamentalist Al-Qaeda Curtain?

Both are a philosophy of how the world should be/act, one was based on the state religion of atheism while the other pushes a state religion of fundamentalist Muslim.

Gotta think on this one - - - maybe I'm just getting lost in the ancient battle of status quo vs change, who knows. . .

Guilt Manipulations/Parting Shot:
Just got a evil call from someone trying to get tech support for a computer at a non-profit organization. I've got nothing against asking for help when you need it, but while talking on evil with them I got hit with a guilt trip and what felt like a sale pitch.

I begged off and told them I'd let my supervisor know - lucky him, but I wasn't about to volunteer us. One thing I've learned over the past few years is to be VERY leery of setting any sort of precedent.

The only advice I can give to someone trying to get me to do something via guilt can be said in two words - Just Don't.

There are few things in this world that drop my sympathy faster, it's a nice short list.

Well that's enough for now, I honestly feel all blogged out for the moment :)

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