木曜日, 9月 13, 2007

Perchance to *Yawn*

I really need to start trying to get here more often and put a bunch of smaller posts instead of the novel I'm libel to create if I wait until critical blogging mass. I've got one long post cooking up in the grey matter at the moment and I'm not sure if it will ever make it down to these pages.

Sleep is the best blunt force trauma to date - it's a lot like snow. It hides and covers things, usually providing hope that we may get out of this yet. No matter how bad things may be a good nights rest always seems to help adjust the perspective and clean the perceptions a bit.

Of course that is double edged as any parent will tell, most kids come closer to death on a regular basis when either they are way to tired (and the drugs are missing) or the parent is sleep deprived (and drugs are not an option) and they still need to take care of the kids.

Seriously, a kid could go down a steep hill on a dirt bike with bald tires, bear-footed, in an attempt to jump beat the record jump distance and height over the gutter chasm between streets safer than if they try to negotiate an extra cookie in the whine tone that screams, "put me to bed now or feel the guilt forever," with a parent that is thinking "if I stuff that cookie down far enough maybe they will let me finally go to bed -- hell I'll even skip dinner and dessert, just give me 8 hrs uninterrupted sleep".

Lets face it a little hate at night after the screaming, crying and whining are replaced with the slumbering sounds will make the morning all that much sweeter. And for those who can't or won't sleep, isn't that why the world was granted the alchemists ability to mix soothing compounds that will allow for a chemically enhance change to increase survival?

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