金曜日, 9月 14, 2007

Prepare for Battle

I don't know how it will end - only that the pieces are in place and if this series holds to anime tradition there will only be a couple more episodes left. . . and the next/final battle will be massive to say the least.

Either way it has been an enjoyable ride, having downloaded the series as fast as the nice folks at Eclipse Productions have translated Claymore I have been there waiting for the next to arrive.

In the end though you can already read the writing on the volcanic sides of the mountain, with lava boiling all around inside and the storm raging outside, survival is doubtful, to say the least.

It has been interesting to see how the writer and the artist have shown the human psyche spit and retain it's cohesion. The killer and the protector mixed with the rules of society and the desire of the recluse who wishes to shun it all and just walk away.

If it wasn't for a sense of duty and honor that keep us walking a path that continually teaches us there are somethings we may not wish to do, but must need to be done.

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