日曜日, 10月 28, 2007

Pandora's Tupperware

You ever have a question that comes up on your life that just sticks and festers til one of three things are forced to happen?

The question will either consume the soul devouring sanity in it's wake, or the question is let go - we deny it's existence and pretend it never existed, allowing it to hide in the darkness of our psyche to rise again, or third we accept it as anomaly, compartmentalize it within and push forward allowing our subconscious to work it over in hopes of finding an answer that will put the issue to rest.

I've tried the first two, discovering sanity is over-rated and that denial although warm in the promise of blissful ignorance is a self damning process. There are times in my life that suspended animation might be the best term to use - as waiting seemed the only option. Waiting for who or what I have yet to discover.

So now I compartmentalize, looking for things through observation and experimentation that might lead me to the answers I seek.The world is a lab with no controls so any results are tainted but in the end it's better than nothing. . .

Oh - - the question is a combination of the classic of how much suffering do you allow one to cause before you shut them down, and the balance of authority, responsibility, duty and denial.

So far the only justice one can hope for is karmic as even in a society of rules and laws the goal of many is to just not get caught, or if caught to deny it until either they 'prove' guilt or they get tired of trying and just let go.

If there is an exception to every rule, does the rule really exist?

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