土曜日, 12月 15, 2007

Awww, Ya Got Me

I seem to have lost focus with all the holiday chaos going on this year - so as many have noticed the posts have been far and few between these past few weeks. I think I may just take a brief hiatus for now and come back after things calm a bit - the "pets" are becoming more anxious as Christmas approaches and until I figure out a way to either bring their common sense up a notch to prevent them joining the Darwin Awards legion of fame it takes a lot more brain taxing, mind numbing intervention.

There have been a lot of various ideas for posts though that have escaped many a tale from my cranium, as some have begun visits to stick in my conscious memory. Here are a list of the ones that didn't escape that I want to explore further in the future:

Over stimuli and will shut down. A good example of this is the TV series House, and anyone who does customer support. Sometimes it doesn't matter who drives the bus as long as it arrives at the right destination, right ?!?!

Lines in the sand - mobile, adaptive, pointless? I've seen this in my life and others, how much negotiation and whining does one take to just get the job done - to end the annoyance and move on, before they go stark raving let's go find some pharmaceutical intervention? OTC is just fine.

Anticipation, Procrastination, Preservation - is being recognized worth it?

Humanity and their toys, is it worth staying with the race just to play with their stuff :P

This and many other happy new topics among the goo that I stumble across coming soon to a blog near you - well hopefully this blog :)

Anyway happy Rana-hanna-kwanz-mas to all, and don't forget to close those blast doors on Xmas-eve, I hear that Robotic Santa is in a really good mood this year, which I'm thinking is bad for us.

Merry Survival to All and I'll catch ya later. . .

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