土曜日, 1月 05, 2008


At the start of the year I had it for one brief moment, I thought "this is it, so peaceful, so quiet" the world was for a short time at peace. It was strange, even when logged into a World of Warcraft PVP realm everyone seemed to be content (no knives in the back), which for me playing a PVE game on a PVP server felt almost therapeutic.

I really need to learn to schedule my vacation time when the kids are IN school - I feel like I sync'd myself up with a cult of masochists. Not sure how my sister handles it so well - - me I'm looking forward to work on Monday just to get away - my sanctuaries are dwindling in number and location, but endurance is a must - even if they won't let me use shock collars to keep the noise down or get their attention >:)

Hope the gods smiled on you all through this holiday season - that you found your wishes as New Years approached. Sometimes I wonder if the ball really dropped - or if in my case it just bounced a little before rolling out of sight to leave me guessing if the new year has really started :P

I'm hoping to post more this year, and if possible shorter blurbs vs. the mass brain dumps that I find myself prone to do (it's about the only resolution I've considered) Maybe if I break up the bliss and the shock of this life it will be easier to digest.

With the current state of the world though I'm beginning to wonder - do ear plugs add resistance to the Machin Shin, with the madness that seems to follow. I mean hell you can't seem to kill it so you can try to resist or join the voices - - -

Either way brace yourself as the politicians ramp up the volume of their rhetorical rhetoric. They may be talking, but is anyone listening? I don't think even they are any more. . .

I fear the hardest choice the world may be forced to make seems to be the politicians or the demagogues. One day I want to choose between the greater goods instead of the lesser evils :P

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