水曜日, 2月 20, 2008

Balanced Chaos

Like all true flames of chaos you just can't get that close without a first aid kit handy. The difficulty seems to lie in the discovery of which flames are open to adapt to us and which ones we need to adapt to.

I'm still learning this first step and fear it may become on of those lessons that will take many lives to understand.

So far the balancing of the two toons has gone well. I have to admit healing in plate adds a hellova lot more survivablity than the cloth my priest had :P and using the 'lock for the daily PVP quests adds a broader understanding. Each serves a purpose be it to restore health or provide death.

Sometimes I wish real life was as easy. . . there is a juggling act there that few if any master. The one of blancing the Yea's and the Nay's - as society has shifted from self reliance to take anything offered, but don't ask the price - we'll let someone else pay for it later. And for some reason yet unknown guilt seems to growing in streangth where common sense used to exist.

So much to think about, won't be long until only the numb remain - immune to the flames, hollow from growing thick defences to survive one world and then live in another - be it of mind, spirit, or soul.

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