金曜日, 3月 21, 2008


Okay I admit it - - since the server move I've been slacking just a touch when it comes to posts. . . and procrastination with denial and apathy to most of the 'class A' irritants in my life is one hell of a chaser to what I've come to recognize I've spent most of my time here on earth doing. Trying to escape :P

The pally I've been working on to become a tank is leveling faster than I would have expected - that patch awhile back has changed many previous challenges that would have had me sweating bullets walking through hell into a calm breeze in the green park of your choice. Sometimes I wish WoW would just let you create another toon of the same class at 70 once you've gotten one there - - but then that is just me.

I finally hit a wall on dealing with phone calls today and came to the conclusion that Monty Python seemed to fit today's mood the best:

The only thing I can think to add is maybe a nail to the board, but that might be a little too much. . . I guess I really don't want to make a final escape just yet :P

For those looking for something more deep and philosophical I've been thinking the past few weeks about the roles we play in life, and mentally it's just about ready to be posted -physically it might take a little longer.

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