月曜日, 3月 24, 2008

And The Three Classes Of Life Are. . .

Healers. Tanks. DPS (the Damage Dealers).

Healers - is pretty self explanatory, even if the wounds are not.

Tanks - the damage sponge and defender, holding the attention of one world to allow another to be created.

DPS - what is a defense without and offense, as not all dangers are benign, and nature has found only 3 ways to avoid extinction - - overwhelm (out produce), avoid (leave), remove (kill)

All of us are a hybrid of these three. Our strengths fill out our main role in this life, while we learn other abilities during the rest of our journey. These three aspects seem to hem in our existence and at times we find ourselves filling roles we never planned for, but we do the best we can with them.

It's the manipulations we endure I have yet to place in this thought process. . . for as this may explain a "What" it does not explain a "Why".

Which is why this post sounds so half baked, not so much due to a loss of reality, but the inability to fully explain it all.

Still thinking on this one. . .

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