月曜日, 3月 24, 2008

Candy Coated

Hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter. I thought about posting this little clip a couple of days ago, but for some reason it didn't happen, anyway it was found with the e-cards on someecards.com, great site though not really for kids, and it brought a startling reality to light for me. I'm not sure if the western world can face anything serious - I mean really face fear and handle it.

For generations now we have been consumerized, medicated, dosed and deluded to the point where the serious issues we face are nothing more than sound bites. Buried in almost too much information I begin to wonder if we have really have become a twisted version of Plato's Cave, content to live in the shadows. Buried in the burocracy that now defines the world that western civilization has become.

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