木曜日, 4月 03, 2008

BSG Passacaglia - S3 Filler?

Well being the Battlestar junkie I've become from season's 1, 2 and Razor I'm kind of torn on season 3. There is some movement in plot, but I get the strong feeling that the Cylons might have a plan, and the writers don't.

There are a few key bits of information provided during the season, and I'm curious to see how season 4 pans out. I know I'll get it just to finish the storyline - for good or ill i'm funny that way.

Currently though one could almost discount season 3 as 'filler', leaving one feel as though they are the Joker talking to the Thief. . . never would have guessed that "All Along The Watchtower" was an old rock tune (youtube.com even had Jimmy Hendrix doing a version, and sitars will go only so far in adding a touch of the exotic - - does that mean Cylons are really from earth? :P)

Sry but for all the effort they have put into making the music unique to the world they have created this really disappoints me. The illusion is shifted but not destroyed. . .

Spoilers and Theories : (highlight to display)

My only hope is that Kara is a ghost frakking with Lee's head - similar to the Baltar and Caprica 6 mental schism that they have been playing with the entire series. It adds an extra punch to the prophecy of the hybrid in Razor that she would lead humanity to its' doom. Sorry Gandalf's already done this shtick and it's become a bit more cliché since then :P

The President is Cylon model number 12 - - the cancer and the camala extract is frakking with her system and prevented actualization. (wonder if she died and got a new body would cancer be introduced into the collective?) Gotta love those deleted scenes when you find out that what she does in the opera house is "projecting" - which is probably why it got cut.

Cylons can progress no further in their evolution and have become genetically stuck - their only hope is to join with the humans - to create hybrids of both races. To this end they couldn't just ask to be let back in, the first cylon war fixed that. So far they have tried through destruction, dominance, and subversion, but only Athena's biology has become more than her original build. (hmm - when she died did she pass the immunity to the collective? or did she loose her own immunity with the transfer to a new body? or is it a moot plot point - just another red herring like the cylon detector?) - - How long have they been afloat in space and these main characters working in key locations never got scanned? Even Bulldog had to get a scan after being released/escaping from his basestar prison.

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