木曜日, 6月 26, 2008

Rapid Fire Blurblings Attack

Let me 'splain. [pause] No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Let's see - - where'd that damn Cheshire cat go?

The Life of Krow:

Lost a Boss, and may or may not be shifting office locations again as they try to find a replacement, which will be hard when trying to replace a good boss. So as learned in many previous campaigns I'm doing my best to stay flexible and crossing my fingers that we in the trenches will not get sold out by the management. . . I don't think they'd do it on purpose, would they?

Wishing best of luck to J in his new director position.

School's Out:

Yes the peace and quite of yester-week has been shattered due to the need of the public school system to release their pupils back into the wild of an unsuspecting populace. Currently I'm trying to figure out if work is really the masochistic escape to freedom that I'm looking for, as I send sympathies back to those who were unable to escape the asylum.

Evil Cries Out:

What you thought there would be no phone postings, that evil tainted spawn of harassment would not poke it's head here - - HA!! However I did get the chance to get a few nice ring tones downloaded before the carrier changed the rules. So if I don't answer don't take it personally, I'm enjoying the music :)

Krow Shifting:

How do standards change, is it when technicians finally say they are no longer supporting the crap that can barely handle the software users want to run? I'm nearing a revolt of saving files and worrying about what the hardware can handle. And beginning to question the user who can't figure out how to install via CD and the Next>Next>Next button.

I've been trying to get folks to back their stuff up for 10 years, if they can't figure it out in that time it must not be all that important. As for the hardware - maybe if all the stuff is put on the old box and it runs like icy molasses in a snowstorm, or maybe the time it takes to make and drink two plus cups of coffee maybe they'll get the clue it's time to upgrade.

Thank goodness the anti virus updates automatically. . .

Anime of Choice:

Current anime recently finished: Ghost Hound, and Clannad, both have that spice of life with Ghost Hound holding the paranormal in check and Clannad exploring the meaning of family , it's not just by blood anymore (the same group did AIR which I also enjoyed). . . I'm doing my best to follow are Bleach, RD Sennou Chosashitsu or Real Drive, gotta love the mEtal (done by the same folks that did Ghost Hound), and Nabari no Ou.

What I wouldn't give to see them bring back and do another season of Claymore, so much was left undone. Okay you got me - the sword swinging, yoma kicking ladies of yoki weilding power was a very nice change from your common anime, it just made you feel Raki - er Lucky.

To Be Discovered:

Not really sure that I want to. Recently some guild members put up some stuff on MySpace but you can't see it without and account. Facebook is there as well, all those folks that I've lost touch with. Question is do I really want to find them all. . . I'll think on it, and if for some perverted reason I do sign up the forms I'll let ya all know.

Keep in mind odds are you won't get any sort of response on those pages from me no matter how hard you poke and attempt to spam me. It's to get me a crack into the world to see what's on the other side, not to pick up more stuff that will need to be managed :P That is if I even sign up.

Moving On?:

Why is it whenever you get to the point of dealing with idiots in court your only alternative to get them to follow through is to go back to court? There has to be a better ROI out there that doesn't involve doing something illegal, you know like hiring an assassin.

The whole mess continually raises the old question of "how much damage do you let one person do to those around them before the world snaps and karma takes them out?"

Dreaming of Vacation:

I did it - - bought the ticket and now lay in wait gathering in anticipation of the day. This fall I'm headed to FL (barring the carrier doesn't go bankrupt on fuel costs). At this point I don't even think that could stop me.

Theater's Do Exist:

Managed a brief escape and saw Iron Man in the theater - - LOVED IT. After Spidey (no it's just not worth the link) went all CG from hell I wasn't sure if another comic book creation would ever spike my interest however this one was well worth the view. Who knows I may even pick that one up on DVD when it's released.

Global What?!?:

Cold spring, and it's just now starting to think about warming for summer. Politicians are a true joke of the human race with a vicious punch line. Next thing you know the US will have to choose between a socialist and a communist for President. Oh wait they do. . .

Sometimes I really question why AC was ever considered for use in political offices. All I can come up with is it must be to keep them in one spot so it's easier to wire tap and take photos for blackmail later.

The Status Of A WoW'ing World:

Drug of choice, well that and a good cold soda (coke is picking up popularity after years of blue can domination). Got my hunter up to 70 along with a pally, and lock. Currently I'm working on getting the pally and hunter geared and matched with elite flying mounts. I'm in a good guild and have been able to join a good core group which is granting me the ability to see things I've never had the chance to explore before.

Yeah I admit I'm escaping, but it's either that or really big therapy bills, maybe a murder wrap and joining the local PUB (the gym holds no pull on this soul). Here's to the great FL escape, come on baby!!

Media Blitz:

Like the boulder rolling down the ramp to squish poor Indiana Jones the media of the world is going full out to force one mindset in an attempt to bring us all in and with Brain Slugs bind us. I think Hamlet had it right:

I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.

(I need to find a good Morbo quote for here :)


One of the better blogs I've stumbled on well worth the look if you are interested, as you can see just how epic failure can be. (load times to vary)

But enough of this - time to run and we'll try to get more random thoughts up later :)

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