火曜日, 7月 01, 2008

Shift 1 Snuff 2

Still waiting on the Krow front to find out who's the lucky winner of being my supervisor/boss. I've heard hints through a good source, but cannot confirm nor deny. So on that front we wait. . .

Have shifted current desk locations - maybe shifting again depending on how things go. Space is at a premium at the moment and short of invading, conquering and holding new desks with all their resource potential I'm content where I am at the moment.

As for my therapy. . .

Well the pally hit exalted with one faction and it's time to work toward the other as the grind continues to scrape cash for further mount training. To help expedite the cash issue I decided to try my hand at the "summer festival" honoring and snuffing fires - to honor brings about 6g, to snuff an foes bonfire is good for 12g (I've made over 200g so far).

Other news to follow. . . (like maybe this mornings Donut adventure - but that will be for another time)

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