土曜日, 7月 19, 2008

Blurblings of 'Lock Remembered

A while back I posted a vid made by those great folks at Looking for Group: now in the spirit of darkness and mayhem a new star has formed and thought you might like a twisted look and just how well our little princess can play the dark lord. :P

4 Years?!?!

On a different note, I taking a moment while WoW installs on yet another computer, hard to believe the first EULA was way back in 2004. . . Has it really been that long?

Courts, Divorces, and Assasinations

Have yet to find a satisfying answer to my age old question. You know that whole how much damage do you let one cause in hopes that they get a clue bit. I've seen instructors use it to their students disadvantage (finally guilting them into submission.)

In some ROI scenario situations assassination is looking better and better.

Just One Screw (get yer mind out o' the gutter!!)

I'm still finding stuff that truly amazes me about the competence of the builder that built my current abode. The door between the house and garage has become VERY loose recently, with the kids slamming doors and such (many times I don't think gentle is in their nature unless it bites back). It was one of my goals to get it fixed, I was thinking nails, dad screws.

He won, and well in the repair process found that the door was only being held there by one screw. YiKeS!! Now it's more like 3 :P

New Box

I won the roll of the fates I guess. Our office only got one new computer this year, and I was the lucky winner - well worth a Saturday at the office to set up and get all those little bits of code on that I enjoy so much. A special thanks to the boss man who passed it on, I've seen a lot of managers take the good stuff for no other reason than they feel entitled to it. (Hence I really wasn't expecting this one.)

Blog Vids

I figured as I type these assault of the blurblings up I'd listen/look at some of the previous vids and see if they were all still up. So far I only need to track down one new link, but the list is yet a bit long to rule any true successes out. Either way it's kind of reminiscent. Wish I could get them to just run through as a play list.

Draw of the Crowd

Currently the crowds are about the only really good reason I have for not going to the theater and seeing Batman - - which I have to admit is VERY tempting right now - maybe after I get this PC built.

Someone in the office suggested a few of us go to the county fair this year (i think it will be here in a month or so) - - I politely begged off that is one crowded set of humanity I just don't have a desire to get lost in. I think short of kidnapping that is one entry gate I won't be looking at closely for many years to come.

Lost and Found

Earlier I shot a blurb about the debate on being discovered via myspace or facebook and at this point I'm passing. Let the world be discovered. For now if I'm meant to be found they can do it right here.

Went Fishing So Now What?

I'm so glad that WoW released the new trees planned for the pally and hunter in the next expansion. As is I'm finding it hard to keep focus. I'm not a raider, nor a PVP grinder so my options are becoming very limited, and fishing well - it's just not keeping my intrest too well.

Lost Soul

An old high school buddy gave me a call recently about doing some RPG, old style paper version, recently. Should be interesting. I've sent the base info to them to see if I've got the character creation stuff done right, and had fun writing a back story for them - maybe I'll post it here.

Should be fun, as I've designed this character to be a little "sanity challenged" to say the least. Time to let someone else be the strait man to the comedy.

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