水曜日, 7月 09, 2008

Wringing of the Blurbs

I'm finding grabbing moments in time is proving more tricky than I would have thought. So for all you ADHD type folks out there I'll probably be sticking to the rapid fire blurb attack format for a while and squeeze in the fun stuff when more time becomes available.

Got One:

It's been about a week, but yes a winner of the interviewing process was chosen and interesting precedents have been set. Now that we have a platoon leader it will be interesting to see what the direction the future will head. Currently they are doing the double split of duties and such between their old position and this new one much like J did, but they will/should be all ours come next week. So here's a welcome to PS, may heaven have mercy on your soul. . . just kidding, joke - maybe :P


Cool new weapon that improve your telepathic abilities or will help make or break your sanity.
http://gizmodo.com/5022355/crowd+controlling-medusa-ray-gun-puts-voices-inside-your-head It was the voices, they told me to . . . aw, never mind.

Expect LightSpeed Briefs to start commercials to follow shortly.

Summer Whine:

/rocking in corner quietly chanting . . . School starts in a month and a half, only a month and a half away and they all go back to the Public Kennel System (PKS), or does Publik Edumakation Zystum (PEZ) work better - hmm, derail of thought in 3 - 2 - 1. November is coming soon, oh so soon . . . De Plane, De Plane it is there waiting /hehehe no leave without de plane


Okay still only in the first season of Carnivàle, but damn I'm becoming addicted. I may not have the 'gift' but at this point I'm not sure if I'd want it. . . enjoying the mythology - it seems my hook is always the mythology. . .

Kick In The Shins:

Some days are just like that, simple things that become mountains where only flat empty simpleness should exist. I know I'm speaking english, but being understood is proving a bit of a challange - maybe my tech accent is too thick.

Gone Fishing:

Finished the whole elite flying mount purchase for the pally and hunter - and have currently burned out on dailies chain I was running for cash. So for the next few days I think I'm going fishing, with some core group instancing. After last night's catch my skill with rod and reel is 320.

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