土曜日, 8月 02, 2008

Blurbs of the Renaissance

It's been a couple of weeks now, as the world still turns - and the old continually get's repackaged as something new. . .

I've been toying with the idea of a blog renaissance. Restoring some of the old links (don't worry I'll make sure they work first, however they might not really go to where you'd think they go.) The idea of reworking the code for a different theme has also crossed my mind and although I've tried a few minor changes for backgrounds I've yet to be successful with anything that works like I think it should.

So out of curiosity - for all of those readers out there, is there anything you're craving on this here little trip through my psyche or is the anonymity of tiptoeing through my typing enough to make you think there is no point in messing with this version of sanity?

In other News though:

Return of the 'Lock:

The past couple of weeks I've had the opportunity to play with Annwn again. In a group setting no less, going into places that up to this time I wasn't sure if she'd ever see. Also learned a lot about warlock DPS (Damage Per Second). The target has to live long enough for the DOTs (Damage Over Time) to really work - kill 'em to quick and what's the point of playing with your food :P (oh, did i mention she's undead?)

She was my first lvl 70, and most of her progress was done via soloing her way through lands unknown - a big thanks to J for helping me stay with her. Previously all characters suffered an ignominious death once they broke lvl 50.

It's felt good to let those fel energies flow again.

The Wall o' Tech:

Work is busy and I'm finding more and more things piling up around my workspace as I try and make it through other projects. With everything going on at times it's easy to forget the users on the other side. Question is how much can/will they pick up if we are forced to cut some of those 'make it look pretty' corners? It's amazing the difference one little icon or display setting can make - - Scary Amazing.

Anxiously Awaiting PEZ:

I needed to pick up a couple of items from the store and found the school supply list for the local school district out. A little ray of light has just been seen at the end of the summer tunnel - - and damn'd if it's not a train coming through for a pick up :P

Quick Movement:

Why is it "evil" aka phone causes such mass movement. Current theory is to make sure it doesn't wake the sleeping toddler in the other room.

Avalanche of Paper, the Advancement of a Cluttered Society:

If the goal of technology is to reduce the amount of paper created, to make a 'paperless' society. Then why do we make more paper now than ever before? Better question why do I still hang on to it all in hopes of possibly throwing a burn barrel party that makes the neighbors think I've opened a portal to hell?


Recently I had an invite from and old friend to do a little of the classic pen and paper RPG. I may post the back story later. The big shift is not from the once a month all nighter but rather a couple of hours a week to make it easier to schedule. Here's to Life, the Fate's and a Roll of the Dice.

Dark Knight:

Still working toward getting in to see the current Batman movie in the theater, currently settled for picking up the DVD that recently came out. It has a very strong flavor of Animatrix, with a plot tenuously woven through the short stories.

Although it did have some very cool stuff in it some of the animation styles just didn't click with me as much as the others. Might be good for a Saturday rental but I'm not sure if I'd buy it again.

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