木曜日, 10月 23, 2008

Loss of Dreams

omni mutantur nihil interit*

Life is a grind, and sadly though I sleep my dreams are kept from me. Aspirations are lost in what appears to be the realities of this world around me.

I had heard of The Sandman series a long time ago, but had never had a chance to read them. There are around 75 issues, and thanks to the power of the web and the inter-tubes I've had a chance to take a quick look. I love the premise:

There are seven beings that are not Gods, that existed before humanity dreamed of Gods, and that will continue to exist after the last God is dead.

There are seven beings that exist because, deep in our hearts, we know that they exist.

There are seven beings that are called The Endless. They are, in order of age, Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire and Despair, and Delirium, who was once Delight.

Many ideas and concepts have always fascinated me, probably why I enjoyed Peirs Anthony's Incarnations of Imoratlity series growing up. I admit though I didn't do a through reading of Sandman, but even as I went through there were bits that caught my eye and stuck with me.

Either way it made for a nice reminder of the power dreams have, and the eternal nature of the aspects that exist in our daily life.

Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.*

In a way the thought is a comfort. . . that somethings are eternal, and will continue on even after we are no longer around to watch it.

Which kind of raises the question. If you could live forever - would you?

Something to sleep on - - who knows one day I may remember my dreams, maybe they will become a reality. . . until then.

*Latin, and translation

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