水曜日, 10月 08, 2008

Shotgun Blurbs

Okay so it's obvious that the whole let's hope for a daily post thing just isn't a current prospect for me - - so back to the Blurbs, not quite the same as the 'burbs - except in the closeness of articles all packed into a tight pretzel like mess :P

Cravin' the Curry:
It's the best too much of a good thing I've had in a very long time. Even thinking about it is making my stomach rumble a bit (my fault for not eating first). Saturday I went a little rogue and went to one of the local Thai restaurants with an incredible craving for curry. Actually I've been craving a good curry now for a couple of weeks and I finally acted on my impulse.

Gaeng Mussamun: Traditional yellow Mussamun curry with coconut milk, potatoes, onion, peanuts. Choice of chiken, beef, pork, (with prawns add a little $).

I went with the chicken and two bowls of jasmine rice. Mmmmmm.

Powering through PVP:
Reality is sinking in for my WoW existence. Time to grind through the PVP battle grounds for a few upgrades. I've decided that my best use of time before the expansion is to focus on weapons, with a hope that their usefulness will be a bit longer than the armor. Not that it matters dead is dead, but right now I'd like to see the other guy fall first. So here's to the grind for a X-bow and a couple hand weapons (it's a personal preference to use 2 1h weapons instead of 1 2h weapon) cost is the same so no worries.

It's like a messed up twisted upgrade of an older personality trait. The tired frustrated one that is tired of waiting for something to happen in this reality - tired of waiting for someone else to catch up - tired of the status of this world. So I've started to just do things. Kind of like the curry, if I waited for someone else I know it wasn't going to happen. I'm ready to make stuff happen, what does this bode for my alter-ego, to hell with that I'm nearing the point of just not caring anymore.

Little Things:
If it's all small stuff then why can't anyone else figure it out. It's a messed up state of a Cheshire Cat confusion - if you want to go to the destination on the LEFT then go LEFT, turning RIGHT is not an option and you go STRAIGHT at your own risk.

Many calls at work seem to be more of the take two steps back and kick yourself because the caller can't tell the difference between left, right, or straight and refuse to go back. . . so what are you looking for?!?!

Grymm Shot:
DSL is gone, DSL is gone, long live the return of the cable connection!! No dropped connections very little lag. Oh and if you can still hear the chants in my brain there is also much rejoicing to the death of the phone line - - okay it's not really dead, their is a tone and a nice recording that says if you want service to dial some numbers.

Guess once you've been touched by evil. . .

It Comes Nearer:
I'm looking so forward to November - - I'm going on a real vacation, like out of the state, flying out of the zip code vacation.

Political Trust:
Nope none here. I don't have enough $$ to buy 'em and they're to heavy to throw. Currently I think my thought process for the whole mess is close to the farmers in the Seven Samuria. No matter who's on top I really don't see anything changing.

The funny thing is watching them take credit for it :P Ah, the status quo what would we do without ye- oh yea make a new one. . .

Spell Check:
Browser is good but the blog portion is better :P

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