月曜日, 11月 03, 2008

Evil Homing

I never would have thought "Evil" would have a built in return homing feature.

I lost it about a week or so ago and counted myself slightly blessed [totally blessed would have been if I didn't need to worry about replacing the phone - work purchased so I'd feel totally obligated to pay for the replacement]. Seems after I checked my phone, which was clipped on my waist it fell out when I closed the door. All I found in my car was someones misplaced Pall Mall cigs - which I'm still unsure of. . .best guess someone may have tried a theft at some time and realized I don't have anything to steal, and dropped their cigs. Sadly there is nothing in my care worth stealing - price of realization, loss of one partial pack of smokes :P

I mean it's not like I really use the phone. Let's face it I'd be a phone carrier's dream user, in the simple sense that I'd be paying for a service and rarely/if ever using it. Hell I even pay for the charging of the thing and the only weight on their infrastructure is the GPS so the government can track me down in case I get lost or try to do a prank call :P

Anyway evil has returned. . . thanks to the guy that found it, I really had no desire to pay for a replacement. Hope it had fun adventures like that garden gnome in Amélie.

I'd post a pic of the little guy - but a) I'm not big on gnomes b) this isn't a travelocity commerical :P

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