日曜日, 7月 05, 2009

No Bang, or Whimper - LU

The past few weeks have been a constant onslaught of various tidbits of information, both relevant and worthless. Information and propaganda whirls through the air, and across the air waves in an increasing thick fashion.

It's just a matter of time i think before one of two things happen... both will cause a paradigm shift the question is which way. Honestly I'm not really sure if it matters anymore - and I think the end of the world will come with the mental short circuit in massive part caused by information overload and a slow bureaucratic governmental death.

We no longer look to find the answer, rather we just want someone to tell us what the answer is. Our freedom is simply granted to the slickest media campaign in hopes that they will give us the answer we seek - while for those who try to resist one view point find it only a matter of time until the correct one is legislated to them.

Are we trying to become an 'error free' society?

So scared of failure, being rebuked we have lost the will to move alone?

I've noticed my human communication skills have started to slide again recently - mainly from my own stupidity. Or maybe this is just my own introverted cycle telling me it's time to step out of the group again, that some quiet time if I could find it would help soothe the soul.

I'm beginning to think this reality is built for the extroverts... a game I can only play for short bursts like the cheetah chasing down the kill. My success is hit and miss though.

The 'net has become my drug of choice along with food/drink at times. I'm a firm believer in there are two ways to hide - one is in the distance away from everyone, the other is right in the thick of the crowd. The 'net is a perfect blend of the two, especially if you're an MMO type - as you can be in the middle of nowhere physically, and stand in the middle of countless players on a server somewhere else :P

I lost track of the anime again - but have continued on a slow enjoyable Lost pilgrimage (I'm in season 3 about half way through).

WoW span is still there - I moved Ark over to a PVE realm, which for the paranoia of PVP escape was nice - although I miss the old guild. I did a major culling of the stable and have gone out and tamed 3 of the pets I've enjoyed most over the past few years. They are all old models and bring a bit of nostalgia with them. -- scary, just the fact I've played this game so long that "nostalgia" can even be used in a sentence is...whoa.

WoW is slowly loosing me - in the beginning it was all about the exploration, and although I still enjoy it I'm starting to feel the tug of the social. The repeativity of the tasks and stagnant nature of the world slowly drains it of it's color placing it in the category of excellent primer but after you've lvl'd a few toons you just can't do it again. Combine this with the slow simplification and greater casualization one has to become proficient in raiding life and the slow grind of a 20/40 man existence or start other forms of entertainment (I'm lvl'ing pets, and experimenting with odds and ends that i never paid attention to before)

Well enough of my longer inane rambling for now - although this is far more therapeutic than facebook will ever be. Kind of like the difference between passing everyone in the halls at High School and meeting someone for coffee somewhere else :P

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