日曜日, 7月 12, 2009

Shift Phase ---> or was it <--- LU

It's always scary when a horoscope seems to fit the mood of the current moment.

You are as restless as the tides today; your feelings wash one way and then the other. Meanwhile, your thoughts are all over the map, even though you can make yourself appear as if you are not moving at all. Don't hide your need for variety now. Admit that you aren't ready yet to make final choices and keep your options open for a while longer.

This has been a slow build over the past couple of weeks - a strong desire to fight or flight. But who is here to fight and where would one fly too?

I think I'm nearing that point of walking away from any MMOs for a while, and see if I can find a martial arts instructor in the area I like. . . I know there area tapes out there and given my introverted nature it would be difficult but possible to try and set up an area to try and self train, but that is only one of the purposes.

Part of it is the social - it's a controlled environment that lets me be with the group and outside of the at the same time and it serves a purpose. . . if there's one thing that drives me crazy its trying to make up a purpose. Many times I'll give up on that bit and just go with the flow - making the jouney it's own reason for being.

Best way to get me to move is tell me there's something at the end of that tunnel, or something along the journey. I've discover if I'm working alone a carrot at the end of the stick is rather handy - when going on a walk I need a destination to head to (maybe with food at the end :P, or with someone else many time just the walk together is enough).

There is a little fear coming out of the bunker - I'm still set for endurance and at times I face the urge of just wishing everyone a nice trip on their long walk off that short pier. It's all part of the cynical nature my benevolent dictator has developed when dealing with other nations. :P

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