火曜日, 6月 01, 2010

4 8 15 16 23 42

Okay I had to watch the Lost finally twice before making this post. As always there is much that could be debated and theorized which may make for interesting posts later.

WARNING: possible Spoilers ahead

Using meetings between characters with strong connections to trigger memories then creating a montage of images flashing through key events from their island life was a nice way to do a flashback without being overly blatant about it. Allowing for those watching to glimpse and remember just how much these characters have gone through in the past few years in a strange way added to the felling of closure in the final episode.

I could of used a bit more epilogue though as to what happened to those who did make it off before our final stop in the chapel. And to say I'm not curious about the first few adventures of Hugo and Ben would be a lie, however I have placed those flights of fancy in the back of my mind with Calvin and Hobbes.

For now though know that this has been a six season Twilight Zone - a well done one at that. If this statement seems a bit off just visualized Rod Serling or Nestor Carbonell (who played Ricard Alpert) providing some ending dialogue about life lessons learned by those Lost in the Twilight Zone.

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