日曜日, 6月 27, 2010

Details, the Overlooked Killer

Details will kill me . . . that was originally what spurned the desire to get another post in the works (and that was at least two weeks ago).

The dangers of procrastination? Some triggers can't be pulled after the moment has passed, as I was reminded when coming back from vacation a few weeks back.

It seems that the week I was gone happened to be the same week that signing up for insurance at work closed. Up til this point signing up was available, don't get me wrong this was my mental path of I should really go to one of the insurance meetings to figure out which one I should sign up for.

And yet I never made it to a single meeting. There was always something else going on, another computer to fix, upgrade, deliver, stage, repair, etc. And there were still many meeting times yet to available. The daily chaos swallowed that information whole and it was never heard from again, and with it when the idea of signing up.

Thankfully the nice folks in the HR office took pity on me - one of the like seven or eight folks that for some reason either had other sources for insurance or joined me in my attempt at death my procrastination.

I always feel like I'm running near information overload, much like a RAM chip when there's current you just hold on tight, and when the switch is set to the 'off' position all information stored therein is gone until the next surge of triage charges through the system.

Sadly in the end it's only the trivia that remains. . . the brain blocks out the rest in hopes of saving little bits of random sanity, which ironically creates it's own unique form of insanity.

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