土曜日, 7月 03, 2010

New Featured Design

It's amazing how many times we start out to accomplish one thing and find ourselves working on something else, and priorities begin to shift. Much like going into the to the store to get a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk and a stick of butter only to leave with a pizza, soda and a movie. (Here's hoping to remembered the bread and milk.)

Anyway, upon logging in with plans for a new post for the past week I've been exploring the added features Blogger has placed in it's Template creator environment. In many ways having so much to choose from has been a little overwhelming - and there are some features I'm curious to see if they enable later. Good examples of this would be the ability to upload images for you personal background, and being able to change an image with out changing all the other settings in the blog.

At this point I'm looking at a wait and see scenario - - as it feels so strange to go from a the old style that has been here for so long to this new one.

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