日曜日, 8月 22, 2010

A Little Grist for the Mill

I recently got back to watching some more Dexter. It's been over a year since I've had a chance to continue my journey from season II to season III. There's just something about watching Dexter that seems to put me in a reflective mood. Combine that with my long lasting slight depression and it can make for some really deep introspection at times. Maybe that's part of it's charm?

Along with all the other chaos or lack thereof inside, depending on your point of view, I've started to try and identify my tet. There are a few general outlines, however I'm not sure if there is anything that might akin to those higher levels tet that ka creates.

Another splash in the psyche was the rounds the simple idea of "Choosing or Being Chosen" seemed to make inside. Part of the idea exhibits control, either in the taking or possible granting to others. Denial is ever present in this model as either side may terminate the exchange, thus reducing the experience to a battle of wills or a nullification of sorts.

That however is a divergent path from the brain twister though. Do we choose our path or is it chosen for us? In many ways it feels much like a forcing of the wheel that pushes us all. Nature abhors a vacuum and it doesn't take much to be sucked in and turned to grist between the stones of time.

Yeah it sounds a bit absurd, even corny, but that is just the state of mind I'm in at the moment... don't worry the colors of khaos are bound to shift again when you least expect it.

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