火曜日, 8月 17, 2010

Of These Thoughts Reoccuring...

Alright I admit it - the bag post was a red herring.

There have been many thoughts that seem to be lingering just under my conscious mind. Tidbits that when I get the chance may prove as interesting entry points into a disheveled psyche. Most of these I only have a tenuous grasp on to say the least so forgive me if the following is a touch cryptic and cluttered below, as it may just be a list of words that some how have gained correlation in my brain.

mass news media, government, reality, herring, slight of hand, behind the curtain, pandora's box.

many flavors of being alone, lost in a crowd just like lost in a field, chameleon skill, double edged, empty, stasis, waiting, movement.

introspection, literature book/movie - can movies be literature? anyway . . . insight, internal external change, observance, clarity or loss of?

more with less, lost, found, anticipation, precedent, responsibility, requirement, ability.

I still feel like there is something more... just out of reach but fate seems to decree that it wait until another time.

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