日曜日, 10月 17, 2010

Mixture of Ethereal Humours

Scattered are the thoughts that reveal occasional gems only to be covered again in the torrent of distraction brought by daily living. Just looking for a title that seems to fit can take one down so many different paths. For as Bilbo said long ago, "You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." There are some days that being 'swept off' doesn't really sound all that bad... although I do wonder at times how many things we take for granted every day that were discovered through sheer happenstance.

I'm taking advantage of the Indian summer here walking to/for lunch when possible. Not only does this provide a respite from the daily phone grind, but allows for the creation of vitamin D, a breath of fresh air and a chance to just think. You could almost call it a meditation of sorts, but rarely does it become deep enough to qualify - more a stream of consciousness as one empties the mind of one set of distractions allowing another set to slip in.

Recently the unfinished business of living comes to mind. Watching the world spiral and turn claiming completion of things that each succeeding generation will have to come to grips with. Some questions repeat others come at us reworded appearing new, but are they? If I'm not careful I get lost in the past and forget the future while other times I deny the past in hopes of finding a future...

The longer I'm in this status of quo the more i find that without a reason things don't change, there's no reason (which just adds to the irony). Add at the moment that I just feel like a place holder, waiting for a change that may never come. I feel the world locking in around me... question is can i find a reason to break out.

Maybe I need a vacation a chance to stumble on a positive happenstance or two and see a 'real blue sky' or two...anyway I digress, something that seems to happen more and more often it seems.

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