火曜日, 10月 12, 2010

Stories for All Hallow's Eve

Two tales for the season. The first for those still young at heart a ghost story named Frosty the Gourdman. Here's the trailer from youtube. (The story is much better than the trailer. With a quick pace though parents are sure to enjoy the ride. Just take a test drive before giving the keys to those who have never read a ghost story before :)

The second tale for those much older who seek a bit more horror in their celebration comes the tale of  Jasper Morello A nice mix of Jules Verne, Edgar Allen Poe and maybe a touch of HP Lovecraft.

I've heard tell that there are two other parts to Jasper's tale that have been written but have yet to be made and released. One day I hope they complete their trilogy - until they do enjoy this first installment.

Tales of dragons are good year round and Sintel is an amazing movie short from Blender. -- Enjoy --

Honestly this bonus is more for me as i didn't want to lose the link in the mix.

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