日曜日, 10月 03, 2010

Scattered Thoughts and Updates

I seem to do more posts like this anymore than any other. Sometimes I wonder if this blog is worth keeping any more - it's not as though there is a regular update schedule or even a general thread other than the general questioning of this reality and my semi lucid ideas of sanity and the requirements to blend into the crowd.

One day the deeper thought of the moment was not so much how many changes we experience as we hover between political, social and religious factions we encounter throughout our lives. Is it possible to maintain one's integrity or would the sophists argue that integrity is just one more illusion in a life that is nothing but a twisted form of jungle living (each preying on the other) and brutish survival at worst?

I've added a few more links to the side. The first is in the Hito no Tabi section (as I'm not really sure where it best fits into the sorting on the side) - I stumbled upon The Nourishing Gourmet when trying to find a good soy sauce, which if you have a palette for such can be a real trick. The site seems quite interesting and who knows maybe I'll start cooking a bit more again. Cooking for one is rather pointless for me most of the time - all the effort that goes into the prep, might as well just get a 50lb bag of Bachelor Chow and watch some Futurama.

The other links are in the comic section. So far I've enjoyed the story telling through them all - but have yet to figure out their publishing schedule. A Softer World - many would call this comic just wrong, but there is a dry wit in it's ironic cynicism that one reads at their own riskDresden Codak - one of the only comics I've come across that uses so much philosophy in it's creation of a world that contains segments such as Dragons & Discourse. The final comic added to the section is Rice Boy. So many stories lay in waiting here, the art is good and the storytelling is of a quality I can see Evan Dahm's tales becoming an animated feature or two.

So I guess updating stuff comes in spurts in its' own convoluted way - - reorganization always seems to happen that way. Some bits either have to hit critical mass before change can occur or just adding a couple of things cause a shift in growth that was unexpected.

Added a couple of link groups along the side  with additional links added to the mix. I mean what 's the point of a topic with only one link? - - anyway don't read to much into it as I'll most likely be going through a link consolidation later - without a destination many times the minutia of the day to day is all we have left :P

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