土曜日, 10月 23, 2010

Stasis Comfort

I think it's the bleach /cough... with every breath I take it still smells like I'm at some indoor swimming pool. Not that I hate the pool, more rather I just don't like cleaning the shower/tub in the bathroom. The most success seems to come from using a bottle of cleaner then letting it soak *note to self: next house should if possible have a vent window in the bathrooms, those little vent fans don't really do much*

May have found a buyer for the house... still in a wait and see state of mind. It sounds good, but I've learned not to get my hopes up nothing bruises the ego like failing your, Star Trek Federation Luck Roll. However if this is successful I'll be able to find someplace that doesn't quite echo like this one does.

Job performance reviews are done for this year /cheers. It seems like every other year for the past while there is a shake up in supervisory positions at work which can make it hard to gain traction at times in accomplishing much in the trenches. I have some higher hopes this time though with this round - now we continue on and see what happens next.

With WoW coming out soon with a new expansion (12/07) I've been feeling a bit of a tug to reactivate my account... I'm guessing this is what it feels like to other addicts after a long hiatus from their drug of choice, to suddenly have a desire to go back and get another fix. I wonder if Blizzard realizes this release is on Pearl Harbor Day? You know that one day that will "live in infamy"-FDR.

To say I'm not seriously considering reactivating my account would be a lie. To wander a old/new world, exploring new places, seek out corners undiscovered does have some appeal, even if they are virtual... not like I'm using this life for anything else at the moment *and yes, even as I type these words out I realize how sad that sounds.*

I'm also waiting to see what will happen with DIII. Since the release of their latest class/character trailer the idea of waiting for a single player game vs. entry into an MMO subscription setup may help in making a decision.

Of course there is always the possibility of life taking another turn, until it does though I will make stasis a comfortable as possible :P A parting shot though paraphrased from a candy wrapper with quotes printed on it: "Pessimism is just Optimism with life experience."

Well I'm off for now, enjoy the vid, while ponder those final words -  
"you have a choice to be hunted or hunter."

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