火曜日, 10月 11, 2005


Forget 100g. Gotta remember inflation so - 500g for the person who is able to delve into the depths of the trivial knowledge that may help them solve the questions below.

1. Who, What or Where is 'Celephais'?

2. What does 'Damnata Innocentia' mean and where does the term come from?

3. Who, What or Where is 'Kobayashi Maru'?

4. BONUS Freebie: Was farming worth it. . . Yes the item has come in handy many times.

Congratulations to those who answer the questions and receive the 500g. Currently they aren't worth much, if anything - kind of like monopoly money. Maybe some day they will be worth more than the digital bits and bites that make them up though.

Maybe we'll do riddles some time too - who knows :)

4 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Hmm... Is this one of those contests where being a member of the sponsoring group means you're inelidgable for the prize?

And you if you really wanted to, 500g would net you some sweet green over eBay. Although you are at something of a disadvantage there, seeing as how you're not, say, IGE, and big enough to make Bliiz, et. all look the other way.

Unknown さんのコメント...

lol - originally I put it down as points - but that seem'd a little over done. At this point 'g' could mean grams.

Anyone up for 500 grams of __________.

Remember to keep it legal - Pepsi is fine, Coke might cause problems :)

Gravity might interesting, painful though - any one want to get changed to a pile of mush under 500 atmospheres worth of wieght would make even me seem sane.

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Depends, could you aim the Gees? And better yet, could you split them up? Because, hey, who doesn't have a few people they wouldn't mind inflicting with a half-dozen extra chunks of gravity once in a while?

Unknown さんのコメント...

:) you keep talking about how you will spend the reward, but have yet to answer the questions.

Until the questions are answered can we really spend the reward?

Wait if we are part of the ruling government we can :P

I mean that whole deficit thing is all made up anyway right?