月曜日, 2月 19, 2007

New Project for a New Year - Update II

Well it feels like the project to finish the basement is now in full progress. Last week the tub, most of the wiring the needed to be tweaked was done and insulation put into the rafters to help with any future noise issues.

It's always fun to see what other professionals think of the previous builder's job, and find out all the stuff that got frakk'd in the building process the at I didn't even know about. You know those little things like the wrong wattage on circuit breakers in the power box for the whole house, and the interesting use of space for the air return on the furnace.

At the moment though drywall is being delivered and stocked to be hung shortly. It's amazing what a difference seeing all this stuff come in makes, and it makes me grateful for the aid in getting it done.

I would have really frakk'd this up if I had tried to do it myself :P

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Nah, it's not terribly hard to do yourself, there are just a few things you need to know. You can get most of it from any good home improvement book (Lowes and Home Depot both have their versions). I've been doing a lot of my basement myself (outsourcing the HVAC and plumbing, though), and while it takes a lot longer, it costs less and you learn from the experience. Plus drywall compound covers up a lot of mistakes.

Unknown さんのコメント...

other than nothing really being square'd up for the drywall and a few other anomalies, like the air exchange being a small room of it's own, the strange rise and fall of parts of the concrete floor and miss-marked circuit breakers that were geared to cause easy overloads/fires I think the drywall was about all I could have really played with. (possibly paint later :)

however due to possible fire hazzards with the electrical and possible water issues with the plumbing for the bathroom and kitchen-ette it just made sense by the end to just lump it together instead of trying to squeeze it in over the next few months.

either way it's really starting to look nice, however it feels a little bit more closed than before - as you can no longer look through walls and see all the windows at the same time :)