水曜日, 3月 07, 2007

WoW 'Lock's Revenge

I've been playing an undead warlock now in Wow for the past couple of months and found it to be a nice balance between hunters and other casters. The only catch is sometimes you get some really weird requests to do a summons (the ability with 2 others to bring another player to your location).

The lowest request I've had to date was a lvl4 that was at most 4 min away from my location, if they were at the most distant corner of the zone they were in. Most just expect me to drop what I'm doing and just mystically bring them to my location, but when they are so close and such a low lvl it's more a frustration than it's worth.

So when I found this story recently on the WoW's forum I just had to bring it over, if only so I can laugh at it again next time I read this post.

"just summon me biatch" 03/07/2007 10:47:33 AM PST

So, there I am, mining peacefully in Nagrand. I found a nice Rich Adamantite Vein. Suddenly I see purple in my textbox, and stop pecking rocks for a moment.

Him: "u need to summon me 2 nagrand"
Me: "I don't think I need to do that."
Him: "just summon me biatch"
Me: "You gonna pay me?"
Him: "lol, no, its ur job"
Me: "Well, okay, since you asked so nicely."

I do a /whois. It's a level 64 Rogue, the most hated of classes to warlocks. Worse still, he's in Shattrath City, a two minute ride to Nagrand at best. I enlist the aid of two conveniently nearby level 70s. We fly for a while to get close to each other, then I commence the summoning ritual. The Rogue is pleased as coruscating nether energies entangle him, and he steps through my dark portal.

And arrives on a floating island roughly a quarter mile from Nagrand's jagged, rocky, stabby surface.

Him: "wtf did u do u %*!"
Me: "Well, you asked for a summon '2 nagrand'. You didn't specify which part of Nagrand."
Me: "Thanks for the help summoning, guys!" - the other party members chuckle and fly away.
Him: "get me down off here"
Me: "I'm afraid that would take another summon, and wouldn't you know it, the others have left."
Me: "Don't worry though, just so you won't be lonely up here, I brought a playmate for you."

I drop an Infernal. I fly straight up to range-release it on the island. I guess the Rogue attacked it, because I watch his HP bar dwindle in my party window. At around 40% HP loss, I see that he's stopped taking damage. Then, quite abruptly, the Rogue dies. Though I don't see it, I imagine he preferred to jump rather than to play with my Infernal.

I go back to my Rich Adamantite Vein.

Special Thanks to Thrakhath on Arygos for sharing the tale

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

i've tried a few times to leave a comment on this post to no avial. seems the forums are still notoriously buggy.

as not only did it bring a tear of laughter to my eye, but answered a few other questions i had about the expansion.

thanks again Thrakhath :)