水曜日, 4月 18, 2007

Future Trek?

When it comes to news Slashdot is one of the best escapes a tech can have - - and even if it wasn't this is just plain cool :)

Science: Star Trek
Shields Now a Possibility?

Posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday April
18, @04:11PMfrom the red-alert dept.

An anonymous reader writes
"British scientists have announced their intent to build a Star Trek-style
magnetic shielding system to help protect astronauts from radiation. 'There are a variety of risks facing future space explorers, not least of which is the cancer-causing radiation encountered when missions venture beyond the protective magnetic envelope, or magnetosphere, which shields the Earth against these energetic particles. The Earth's magnetosphere deflects many of these particles; others are largely absorbed by the atmosphere.'"

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