土曜日, 11月 10, 2007

Inner Hollow

It's in there, just beyond the grasp of sanity gnawing at the back of the mind. The battle for control, to maintain the status quo, or end the eternal vigilance and allow the world to burn and the apathy to consume.

I've been getting the opportunity to see the Wizards Tenth rule up close and personal:
"People who for whatever reason don't want to see the truth can be acutely hostile to it and shrill in their denunciation of it. They frequently turn their venomous antagonism on whoever dares to point out that truth ... To those seeking the truth, it's a matter of simple, rational, self interest to always keep reality in view. Truth is rooted in reality, after all, not the imagination."
It's one thing to see it at a distance - it's easy to shrug off, but what do you do when it begins to wrap around you like the Tar Baby?

At this point the only paths I see before me is one of lunacy, which kind of sounds like it might be fun, denial - and hope that the issue kills itself off, and endurance - it can't last forever can it?

Kind of reminds me of that line from Claymore:
"Fight for those you have lost, and for those you don't want to lose."
The challenge and frustration is learning how to fight with honor in a time when physical combat is becoming forbidden, and your foe has learned the art of spinning the truth to the point it looses all form to the reality that spawned it.

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