月曜日, 9月 15, 2008

Beware Spinning Leeks

Okay at first I didn't see the danger in this site but after seeing it put into a round and feeling it's true power all I can say is Beware: (if taken in large doses has been known to cause some slight nausa and headaches)

brief history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loituma_Girl

Other sites that start cute and become a good way to go out on a sanity plea are:

Hamster Dance: http://www.webhamster.com/

the Llama Song: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama

and we couldn't forget the Fish Heads

Okay - enough for me - time for 3 more IB (Ibuprofen) and stepping away from the blog.

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