火曜日, 9月 09, 2008

Survival Spin

Just saw this on failblog today.

It seems to sum up the way the beginning of this semester has gone - - the only difference is my survival mode is a little more advanced than this poor wind mill.

Rather than trying to handle the full spin I've decided to let it all wash over me and then look to swimming out. So many changes. . . I think I need a vacation, or maybe just a couple of "mental health" days.

Oh on a side note - - Firefly and Serenity are well worth the watch (personally I'm glad I waited until I finished watching the series first before the movie - but it's not required)

And as usual politics are a joke I can see how folks get so wrapped up in dictators and the like. Deep down I think I'm just a browncoat at heart. Somethin' is just wrong when you see that much shiny in one place I guess.

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