木曜日, 9月 18, 2008

A Hardline Death

I remember growing up the phrase "Never sweat the small stuff," which for the most part is true until the zerg of little things makes life not so shiny.

Tomorrow I plan to kill a hard line of "evil" - yes I'm terminating phone service. The Internet connection has gone to crap again recently, so many disconnections. I figure keeping the phone for 911 calls or loosing it for a better connection so I don't cause the need for a 911 call helped make the decision. :P

That and the fact going back to a cable connection will provide not only better bandwidth but a lack of hearing one more phone cry out for attention in this world. Not sure which is better there, nope I take that back - the 'net connection if only by a little.

I may loose connectivity there (at home) for a little - but that is nothing new. The only difference is more at home - but the connection at work will help fill the gap if needed in the interim. I'll try to post again as time permits - until then enjoy :)

The darkness fills me, and the bitterness only reveals the silliness inside

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